Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Women number is more than man; but for the identity "His" name is must

Kerala is the state where sex ratio is highest. Women outnumbered man with the number of 1084 women as compare to 1000 men as per the census report of India 2011. The literacy rate is highest in women 92.91 per cent. It is highest literacy rate of women in any state. These data always confuse scholars they use these numbers and come to the conclusion that Kerala is the feminist state, before jumping on any conclusion. it is important to insight the society culture deeply because census figure are can be the indicator of development but it doesn’t present any indicator of empowerment of women.
What is your name? This is the common question everyone asks when you meet with a new person. In Kerala when you ask this question to women they reply with confidence; Santha Baby, Asfa Ameer, Sisilly George the next question if you ask them, what is a name your Husband? They reply with same confidence “ Baby, Ameer, George”. Their surname and identity is her husband name. In the community and government documents, she being identify by the name of husband.
Rekha Suresh, her father name is Ahmed, it was her previous surname after the marriage she changed her surname to Suresh. I asked her why you changed your name and surname, She said it not for the people but it is for me and my family convenience I changed my name because I don’t want to explain about my name to people every day.
This is true education health and livelihood opportunity can increase the data but it may not bring scope for a woman to have opportunity to participate in discussion making process.  To make her own identity as an individual she has to make new identity.

कुंभ मेले की पौराणिक कथा

  कुंभ मेले की पौराणिक कथा कुंभ मेले की उत्पत्ति की कहानी समुद्र मंथन से जुड़ी हुई है, जो देवताओं और असुरों के बीच हुए एक पौराणिक संघर्ष का ...