Friday, March 29, 2019

What you are drinking ... Tea or pesticides

A cup of morning tea is the first wish of many people, especially in India tea is the most preferred beverage. Cups of tea fill you with energy and freshness also prepare you to start the day. The same tea is, unfortunately, mixing bitterness in tea workers and their children live.
A cup of tea could have more than one kind of pesticide and sometimes even a cocktail of pesticides. Think of Tea workers and their children who reside in these tea gardens. They are exposed directly to a variety of pesticides and most of them have no knowledge of the impact this could have on their health and minds tea farming is the major source of livelihood, Most of the tea plantations areas are under the ownership of large tea estates. The local people work as labour they pluck leaves and earn the daily wages.
Uses of pesticides have started an impact on the health of the tea plantation labours, disability easily visual in the workers of the tea garden. The children are taking birth with Cerebral palsy and other abnormal condition. They do not have any option but Whenever you sip a cup of tea think about the poison you are drinking.

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